Backed by popular demand i am back again with a new post(Actually just b-qwas,Shiuna, Ameen and my honey bunny). This time I need a vote from all you people who read my blog: I wanna know if listening to music on the road is a "hazard" to yourself and the people around you or a an "Essential Accompaniment". One thing is certain i cant walk anywhere "alone" without my head set on.
Here are some plus points of using an mp3 player or I-pod on the road:
You can feel the beat and walk faster, it really seems like you get to where you're going sooner.
you can block out the whistling and hollering from the monkeys on the road
Stay in touch with your favorite artists.........learn the lyrics and stuff
Appreciate your surroundings, really, music adds a lot of colour to this droll place (try it and see)
And here's the negative side:
You dont hear the vehicles honking behind you.(i've narrowly escaped from being hit by a car about 5 times). But this only applies to Maldivians because we do not have the luxury of pavements on some roads.
People can sneak up behind you very easily.
Music has the power of toying with your emotions so there is the fear of getting too sensitive for the rest of the world
And I've had people call me a "tight ass bitch" cos i dont holler back (I'd have to come down to earth first wouldnt i?)
And for the record I wouldnt have to write this article if life was a Hindi movie there'd always be an orchestra waiting to play a lil summin summin to fit my mood. heheheh
Anyway tell me what you think?
Much love
I don't really know how i got bumped into ur blog.. but after reading ur post about listening to music; i agree with the whole point.. and by the way, if i have to walk alone i always got my iPod plugged in..
Yeah and if you're a broke-ass mofo like me you always have your 2-dollar mp3 player burning up the batteries.
Hey baby boo listen to Elektro by Outwork ft. Mr. Gee. Makes you feel like you're on the catwalk 24/7. Which me n kox seem to pull off with or without music. Kox especially Lolz.
Well, do a bit of funding and get a MP3 Player which has a 'lithum battery' instead of spendin on ya 2 dollar player.. you know that might work in a long run.. hey??
Oh and i could reeeally seriuosly donate some.. ;)
Hey there ammadz...thank you for "bumping" into my blog.....i almost got hit by a lorry yesterday..but its all good..
quas think about the lithium batteries....i'll be seeing you in June hallelujah...and i dhee might be coming too....
haha.. the lithium battery.. Well, it is a pleasure to read your stuff. u better not stop blogging.. :)
And, wat if i want to make a donation to 'Please don't wake Nisa' ;) is it via Paypal or jus using my credit card?? ;) Sleep Well!
Yay boo! The more the merrrier. Can he smuggle in some grass? I've lost contact with my suppliers.
You lovers don't mind sharing my single bed then? Me and Hashim'll crash on the floor. Hahaha. Mwah.
Thanks for the headsup on the lithium batteries Ammadz. I don't know why I never invest in anything like that. I always end up at the supermarket looking for sensible shit and see a belt with a huge-ass buckle on sale or something.
No problem;) but u know sensible shits doesn't last too longer..
hmm Ipods,cd players,music doesnt go well for me with the streets of male'.
Besides I am always late and rushing,not to mention huffing and puffing..then again maybe i need to be around for a bit longer and the commotion of the roads will seize to act as a divergent source of entertainment :)
Hey Ammadz you should really donate....not a bad idea...dont worry i wont stop blogging..qwas idhee might not be goin after he might leave for Australia...Shanooo sweetheart its so nice to hear from you..i absolutely adore your blog it made me cry...people you should check out my girls blog...and yeah honey you should try the music bit it helps me get to places on time and even makes me look forward to the drudgery of walking.......i love all of yall
Haha.. good one!! Lets see how much i can spare to your 'fund'..;)
Shanu, At some point you may pitch into the rhythm and you will realize how cool it is.. we never know eh?
Oh Nisa..thanks lovely, wasnt meant to make you cry, I was just very upset about that particular patient, just needed to get it out of my system..
Ammadz yes, you never know, I am a very music person "ahem" I like to call my self musically liberated infact.
I just enjoy walking, you know smell the roses and all that crap ( or the garbage bins)along the way.. but once i go back home..I guess I might have to adopt drastic measures to take off from reality..ah :)
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