It takes a lot of "BAD" food for a glutton like me to become aneroxic. But sadly this is the situation in Male'. Every godforsaken night i try and find something palatable to satiate my hunger and i end up puking afterwards.
DOLPHIN: I cant eat there ever since Manal had an "encounter at the counter" beleive me you dont wanna know the details. hint: futile attempt at homosexual multi-tasking.
LILY's: not the most desirable menu and the coffee is stale.
THAI-WOK: Used to do the trick for me but sadly the food there isnt as good as it used to be. the concept of quality control is still almost non existent over here.
LIGHT HOUSE: Its alright at light house, the desserts are desirable, but they do overuse some ingredients like spinach and Garlic on the main course which leaves and after taste and makes you gassy. LH is guranteed to get you good and broke and that never was good for anyone.
SALSA-CAFE'/ROYALE: really dissapointing/the portions are just sickeningly small.
WEST PARK: All i know is that its not the food that makes people go to West park. Sometimes i wonder if they have chefs in there. They prolly have trained monkeys working round the clock. Lolly Jabir you've gone and done it again.
FOOD GARDEN: I used to have an "8' oclock chicken leg rush" before which dragged me to food garden come hell or high water. Unfortunately the service there sucketh to the max now. There's no gravy to top the mash 'tatoes...the chicken is served blue not the best of ideas especially since the H5N1 virus is going around.
SEAGULL: You never know when some natural topping might drop from the sky...I aint kidding really....Bats have blessed me more than once......
JADE BISTRO: Its too damn pretentious and doesnt allow smoking. I hate going to places where i have to sit up straight and lower my voice.
In the end we're just left with the harbour points. At least you dont expect much from these dives, leaves no room for dissapointment...and ofcourse theres always Mamma's garudhiya and bai....
Well, exactly!(to all the comments).. Of all the shit holes in Male' i still go for Light House.. Nisa, could you please (pretty please) rate Nasandhura.. i used to go there ton of times when i go to Male'. Love to see your comments.;) Plus Pizzeria too.. Cheerz!
There's food at Pizzeria? Seriously? I guess when your wallet is like mine you only know about the coffee and the fuckin expensive ciggies.
Light House is aight 'cos the gay waiters there r really nice 2 me. ALthough I don't know why? :P haha.
Hey boo dad called n he said u've probly got the ticket by now. Fer shizl? Tell me soon cos I wanna hop on a trampoline n bounce for joy.
Ofcoz they doooo have food, in fact they do really yummy tortillas (not really).. haha.. So, you are one of the coffee addict like me, hey?
Hey sorry for going missing i've been a bit caught up since its the weekend and all that. hey quas i havent got the ticket in myy hand but i've got the iti...and i am so excited...London baby....ammadz nasandhura is infested with creepy crawlies and rude waiters. Our group had an episode with this old fart of waiter who kept giving us "looks". The Hot chocolate at nasandhura is bad and the coffee is not enough..Pizzeria has been closed down and if you check one of my previous posts you'd know i aint a very big fan....by the way where are you at???
yaaa, i guess i've red the entire thing about Pizzeria.. eeek!! guess wot? i've Juz lost my appetite.. i doubt about the lunch today.. hehe.. Nasadura dho, i'm not a big fan but my (sweet but li'l crazy) frendz are.. OOH!, i'm completely grasped by the sense of resort life.. in fact perfectly addicted.. u sure can read my blog at www.paintedreamz.com.. Cheerz!
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