Growing up sucks!!!!really, it just sucks.....oooh i dream of a simpler time when mum and dad had to do all the worrying and i just had to carry on living...without a care. But life is so unfair without any warning it just snatches your innocense, your free time, your sleep, your virgnity...heheheh.
Sometimes i really wish i was born in the stone ages..yes i know there was no make up less choice of clothes no cd's or portable music players(i may have to rethink my statements). But no amount of handbags and gladrags compares to the luxury of freedom from employment. While the government is trying to put an end to the plague that is unemployment, with their "yes" campaign, i am fighting for it. A curse on the romans for inventing money and making people work for it. I only do it because it is the only way i can afford to satiate my yearning to shop and eat out. i mean who would really work if they didnt have a need to? does Paris hilton work..Well if you call making porn and trying make an aboslute whore of herself, yes she does work all night long..AAh remember the good ol days of having pocket money.....dang...
I for one have two jobs, one of which i aboslutely enjoy a 100%(cause theres not much effort involved)...that is except when i have to fill in for others. So i guess Artistes(including musicians and other talents) are exceptional cases cause they get paid for doing what they love.
NEWS FLASH..........Maumoon has rebuilt the Noah's Ark but this time its called the Youth Ship. Instead of carrying a pair of every living creature on earth, this "Youth Ship" or "floating Looney Bin" as i'd like to call it will carry on board the whackiest most immoral Individual from each Atoll. Well I just hope that they do not decide to blow the rest of us up and repopulate the earth by procreating from onboard the "FLB". Dont fret boys and girls I'll go and sink the ship with my own bare hands if i have to....but seriously we should all sign a petition begging maumoon to check himself into Guraidhoo before things get too out of hand....seriously a Youth Ship...What next the "Geriatric Lorry".......
When life comes and kicks you in the nuts
Just save your if only's and buts
Close your eyes pretend nothings wrong
And sing another feel good song
(for you brother beequas)
Mwah mwah
yeah, growin up sucks, big time!!
hey, u can always gimme a buzz if i cud be any assistance to sink that ship.. and btw, i'll tc of parade to drop Maumoon to Guraindhoo.. btw, u gotta nice piece of writing here..
Employment my ass. All that buttmunch wants to do is perpetuate this system of wage-slavery he's kept us in for years. It's the perfect leverage for an unruly bunch like us. I don't think most of us are aware or even care about the fact that we are actually entitled to the right to form unions and collectively bargain with both government and private employers for higher pay, bonuses, benefits, shorter working hours etc. Ah well I guess I need to lighten up now that I don't have to do academic writing for another week. :D
Hey boo I love mom but she can kiss my ass if she's gonna talk to me about a master's degree anytime this year. Hell I don't even wanna read any form of writing (unless it's on a paycheck) after June 2007.
Youth Boat? Sounds like the perfect gay cruise. Mojitos and Pina Coladas everyone. Wake me up before....
Finally you've come around my baby bumpkin you know i love you mwah mwah...i am so proud of you and yes maumoon is a monster....thank you ammadz i might take you up on that offer...beequas how can i trust you on not reading something you even read mums femina magazines.....do you have an ass left for mom to kiss with all that weight loss...you look really hunky the better version of benicio girls looks out for Mr.Bee cometh June..yeah maumoon did buy a copy of Boat trip from charlie-2 the other day...dont ask me i just know...
love to alll
Aisha wheres you?
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