Hey lovers and haters sista's and brothers, granmas and pas.....if you've seen the flyer for the GIGa whatever event thats gonna go down at "City Garden' you might be wondering:
("Who the fuck is Alice"-Torpedos)
Look no further i know who he is.......aha thats right i do. Normally i would try to get some remuneration for this kinda priviledged info but i'll be "nice" this time and let ya all know. And plus i think nobody should waste their time pondering over who daddy is n be like all excited(taint worth it) just to be hella disappointed..... i simply cant have that on my conscience.
You might think daddy is some whip lashing, Cat Walking, ass baring sexy diva who'll make you GIGA GAGA (more than a kilo Gaga), you are sadly mistaken. Life was so much more beautiful when i was mystified by who Dj Daddy was. but Alas ! woe is me, curiosity has shot me down yet again. I shall now save the whole world from suffering the same fate as me:
This aint no joke
he is that bloke
he aint no fuckin fairy
but he is very hairy
Now then, have it your way
Its DJ--PAiDay
Super Nisa's Inner Monologue:
Scene: flying over Male'
AAaaah I have saved the world yet again.......its a much safer place now.......All in a days work......I wonder whats next for me.........I cant choose between ridding the world from rebonding, wearing faggy shirts, burugaas.............
GUchigooogoooo PLONK......watch out you fuckin pigeons!!!!!!!!!
Note: You can buy the illustrated version from www.eyesore.com.mv
Who are all these sad, pathetic posers. Wait till I'm able to learn this fuckin turntable and I'll TURN THE BEAT AROUND Love to hear the percussion TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN Love to...
hehehehhe Oh god i hope that isnt gonna be your theme song DJ qwas.. Hey you have hairy arms too(but not dj paidey hairy) i think that'll help...heheh hey
Much Love umah Umah
Insulting... that's all i have it in my mind.. looking forward to ya next post..
i am a mean queen supreme.....oohhahahahahahahahahah..........
ooh well.. btw, Dj Daddy and Dj Paiday are 2 separate person, na??!
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