For those of you who aren't desperately looking for a place to escape from the usual drudgery of bad ambience and stale coffee "Sea house" might seem like a typing error. Well I can't give you the pleasure of correcting me....well not today. "Sea house" is a newly opened coffehouse up on top of the..........should i give away the
location? It was already infiltrated by out of place stiffs last night what the hell. Yeah its on top of the Hulhumale' ferry terminal overlooking the sea. Right now it is the perfect place to chill out (chill has been used in the usual context here) although they could have done a better job with the chairs. This wont be for long though, already the usual faces have started to stream in and it wont seem so welcoming after a while. No amount of good lighting and chocochino can block out the pretentious crowd that Male' so proudly houses. If you dont agree with me just try and name one place in Male' that you'd like to hang out in everyday of the week........anbody? i didnt think so. Oh yeah and before i forget.........i've found a another very icky reason to stay clear of Pizzeria. Apparently the seat covers in Pizzeria havent been changed since the opening and to add to that the bangladeshi staff who work there sleep on em. Yes they sweat and drool and do the nasty on em. I am not on the "Sea house" payroll, creating bad publicity for Pizzeria, but just trying to be the good samaritan who saves our teeny population from STD's, mites,rashes and little bangaladeshi bastards popping out of nowhere(word has it that there swimmers live longer than usual).

Tommorow night theres going to be a tribal dj on the "Crab floor" at "Dolphin". Slap me for being so "out" but i had no idea that the floor at Dolphin had a name let alone one as original as the Crab floor(If only they'd serve great crab there-guess the name will just have to do). Tickets are going for 75 i hear, wild horses couldnt stop me from being there on the 2nd. No matter how crabby the floor maybe "Dj. Manal" and "Sector 9"(no no sector 9 isnt a robot they imported from korea to buddy up with Manal its our lil Nai) are gonna be setting the roof on fire. Flashback from the last dj i went to at dolphin...."Porn on big screen-with the techno version of my heart will go on". Porn and Celine dont go very well together people try snoop dogg, Nelly or fittty cents. the poster says "tribal" theme but we all know that the concept of a theme is wasted on the usual crowd. but I'mana put on my grass skirt, coconut shell bra and feather head dress for the night...hehehehe but then i'd have to find a way to climb down from the 9th floor without my mum seeing me. I can just see a picture of me on the front page of "Haveeru' climbing down a rope with the Caption:"Woman from Minikaaraajey chooses death rope over the elevator ". But in all seriousness all of yall please be there with your dancing shoes on.
The price for Ciggies, particularly Camels the only smokable sticks around has been raised by fifty laari. Cmon we all know that people are gonna smoke even if they cost 10 rf a stick.....i mean seriously whose great idea is this. It better not be another plan to leech out money from us for "Save the maumoon" fund. The last president who tried to mess with the smoker population had to really pay for his actions. So i might suggest retracing your steps......
Oh yeah!! its true that i maybe be a prophet or prophetina (like the feminine touch?) cos another one of my dreams came true......scarey shit
"sea house"...its gonna be next pizzeria! u know why?....guess wut i heard yesterday...apparently "Pizzeria" its closing down for renovation for two months....they are selling the place TO DRP....aah BASTARDS....
OOOh my very first comment from Nadhee n its about Pizzeria, what a surprise....kidding..luv ya...lets just pass on the rat infested, dilapitated rundown shack to the drp for free. Maybe maumoon could set his throne there. We'll keep the new ones and once we're done with em just pass on our hand me downs to the DRP. but its a such a shame that an amazing place like "Sea house" has to welcome the uninvited. DANG!!
"Sea House"??? Sounds like a greek frat from a beachside college. hahah your post really cracked me up. Glad to see you're every bit the comedian I am. And twice as hot!
naals help wanted!
the thing is me n amynaal is thinkin of makin a fudblog, n need a name tht reali says its us
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