Before I start up with the whole talking durrty topic i just wanna let you all in on the fact that a harrassment law has been passed in Male'. And as a result my sister Rania who gets complimented insulted and oogled over is going to be filthy rich. But sadly we cant get away with calling the cops names and ever since the law was passed there are a shit load of cops on the roads. Next thing you know they'll be wearing name tags with Golhaabo on it.(Yes, Maumoon is more provocative than Madonna in her like a virgin days ). So be careful my niggas......
Talking Durrty really fuels up all sexual activity. Some of us might feel like its lame but it really heats things up. Talking durrty involves telling your partner(baiveriyaa-i just had to say that) how you feel when he/she does something for you, where to move next, what you'd like to do for him/her. Beequas eventhough you are my biggest fan and your bound to find this entry to be TMI i know you'll still read it so i'll try to tone it down a bit and be less graphical.
Recently i have been talking dirrty and the sex has become explosive. It feels like starring in your own porn production. And we all love porn especially those of us involved in Herbal medicine.....say Naja. (Oh my sisters baby was trying to say popcorn and ended up saying Porn instead and quas you missed it). Talking dirrty will only work if your partner reciprocates. Otherwise you'll just end up looking really stupid. But if your mouth is busy and your on the brink of an orgasm theres no need to interrupt the flow just making a noise would do. The consequences of interrupting a climax could prove to be fatal......beleive you me.
So please dont knock it till you've tried it...........
I will make more entries on how to improve your sex life in the future, all for the betterment of the Maldivian society. I have seen most of the mainstream porn and it really doesnt do anything for me or anyone i know. So guys if your doing it ,why dont you do it right?......
Make love not War people
and Ameen if your a fan please dont be shy, just comment on my entries will ya
Oh god! Seriously, there's gotta be some shame in that heap of muck you call your scruples. LOL. Dig deep. You're right about the porno though. Vivid Entertainment still gets me going but there's nothing like the real thing. And anyone in Male' if you know what's good for you, stay away from havaadhu packets.
hey nice article nisa.. keep it goin gal ;)
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