Eventhough i am all for partying and sex i am very much against prostitution and gang banging. (fan of strippers though and porn) All you ho's out there eventhough you are a much needed part of every society please keep your activities at a low. And please wear less normal clothes to help distinguish ladies from sluts. i aint gonna resort to mideival solutions and ask you to wear a scarlet letter. Instead you could go for fish nets(plentiful here since we are a fishin nation) and loud colours like red, yellow..........stage make up and so on. Cos pig in the form of men are disrespecting all of us. Hootin at us from the roadside grabbing our hands. Since you girls like to be grabbed and groped for a lil sum' in sum' in make yourselves known, so the rest of us can walk around freely.
This subject also brings me back to an old topic the "hijaab". some folks over here think that whoever doesnt wear the damn thing is walking around naked asking to be fucked. When in nature fact most of the concubines here wear it to hide hickies and unwanted buns in the oven. well people can think whatever they hell they want. It becomes my problem when they call you up and stalk you in the hopes of some action.
so all you girls aspiring to become hookers, call girls or high class escorts please think twice cos your actions will reflect on all women kind....i just get sooooo worked up when i hear some people say "HUS BAdin"its not fair to us tight ass bitches who wont put out for every john............
1 comment:
Neighborhood locos givin' u a hard time? Us boys have gotta learn that an appreciative whistle or an admiring stare is preferable to invading the ladies' private bubbles. We don't see James Bond grabbing asses lol. Anyhoo I'm waitin on that info I requested. Lemme kno when you've patched it thru. Rotsa Ruv.
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