Tommorow is gonna be my friend lauza's big wedding day. She used to be the wierdest most thuiest creature on the face of the earth until my sister QT was born (this morning mum walked in on her wearing a crown and snapping pictures early in the morning-god only knows for what occasion) Lauza has the most "unique"voice, if i may say so, out of anyone i have ever met. And she is one of the few who has defied time and distance to have been born and brought up in male' but act and look totally Indian. You have to see it to beleive it, trust me. The theme of the wedding is going to be Indian which is just soo surprising.
But getting down to the point at hand. I've tried to brace myself and listen out for joyous wedding bells but all I can hear at present is a funeral dirge. And i know why, cos i cant stand you know who...I am not going to name the lil Nerd cause i have seen the revenge of the nerds and do not want a taste of what they can do brrrrrrrrr. Guys you know..............no matter how much time passes between school days and the present the Bully-nerd rift still tends to stick. I havent ever attacked him or anything but theres that chemistry(i hope y'all are feeling me on this). Lauza has had a series of geeks in her lifetime enough to haunt her for 7 seven life times, Afthim to name one (sympathy hook up number 3) but this time she has decided to walk the walk with one. (quas you made me do this-if i am going down you are going down with me).
Come the evening of 29th january 2007 one very wierd lil nerd is going to be ecstatic. I hope this is going to be the last time that anyone of my friends will bridge the way for a nerd to crossover to our world. (idhee if you read this post dont love me less umah- i can be a bit of a bitch). Maybe i am just being protective of a close friend......shucks who am i kidding i just dont approve of him. I was invited for the wedding ceremony but i am scared to go. What if i take my stand when they say....if anyone has a reason why these two should not be united in holy wedlock(or whatever they say in male'. I could give birth to the Fullooniyaamagu ripper. Shit! and he is on the road to being a doctor, all the more reason for me not to write this. buuttttt caannnntttt ccoooonnttrroollll the floooowwwwww urrrghhhhh!!!
The really twisted thing about this article is the fact that:
I am the maid of honour.
And I'ma be the only mourner
Cos its just too hard to take in
a real disaster in the makin
I am treading on really thin ice but I just had to do this. Somethings in life are just worth the risk. Now i am going to just stop myself before i go overboard with this.
1 comment:
Mean girl! Kabhi Shayar ka pawal, mean girl! HAHAHAHA (I had to do that)
I love it when you rip on people like this. It's a pity that you hardly do it. I'm usually the evil one hehehe.
Luv it sis luv it luv it luv it. Muah
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