Oh my god i just cant get how people can eat Githiyomirus. They probably cause more harm to the body than ciggies. I usually go to this dive in the harbour,well abe n me picked this place cos nobody else goes there. Where ever we go it doesnt make much of a difference becos food at every "kada" in the harbour tastes the same. Well today the cook at our haunt was feeling mighty generous with the red ones. He must have cut up like 3 whole chillies into my Mashuni. Cos at this very moment, FYI its been about 4 hours since i ate, my chest still burns. I have been drinking like truck loadsa water, eating all the sweet stuff i can find and still it burns. i really feel like i am going to faint.
I was never able to eat Anbu Majaa the way my class mates used to with a peice of chilli to accompany 2 cubes of mango. If i did try like two spoonfuls i'd have to rush to the canteen and down 2 bottles of three choice. And my god!! that is just the beginning. Later during day i'd have a new best friend, who? the toilet seat. I'd shit my guts out and in the end i'd have to lie down with a pillow under my ass because my ass hole would be all bruised and burned from all the power ejection. I have a very bad feeling about today.
Some kinds of Chilli like bell peppers and Capsicum are a little bit more agreeable with my body than the almighty githeyomirus. I have a very stupid question to ask the people who read this entry. How would i take revenge on a Githeyo mirus? and oh yeah one that i've already eaten. should i take the lil pieces that come out when i do the nasty and torture them. Should i leave them out to dry in the Sahara Sun that we are experiencing these days. Or should i just spare them and flush (like any other normal person).
My fellow humans! i think some Dhanduveri geniuses have found a way to make their chillies hotter than hot. Please be warned or else you'll be singing:
(the roof! the roof! the roof is on fire)
Just turn the heat around. Hahaha. I love to use that song every chance I get. Well as a wise old twenty-two year old, my advice is just stay away. Us Latheef kids just aren't conditioned for real Maldivian food (as pretentious as that sounds). I was at this Bengali restaurant with some friends, sweating bullets after eating some pickled shit and right before I could complain the two Indian chicks there go "this stuff is so bland - people here don't know the meaning of hot". So remember to pack a lunch if you're ever go to Bengal boo. Mwah hugs.
Muah ha ha ha, pest has no ass and still aint on fire....Idhi is gonna kill me. But still, had to say it.
As if you have a big ass.face it we both have big tits. And that aint working much for you..Muahahahahah yourself.
hehehe I always have to break you two up don't I? Obviously Hidhy likes em big n perky like Abe's. We've opened the door while she was suckin' em enuff times. Muahahaha.
Have you ever thought of asking a rampantly active homosexual for a few pointers on how to handle stinging pains in your nether regions? Perhaps they might enlighten you on how they gain the pleasure from the pain.
hey thats not a bad idea at all, I should give Jambe a call sometime and find out how he handles it when Alan has an extraordinarily bulging erection. God that is why the KY Jelly business is booming.....
mwaaah baby.ehdhogeh u have an ass. hehhehe.and abe belive me its on F I R E
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