I have been forced to write this entry because of the magntitude of how perverse my buddy Naja is.
Naj Naj is quick to admire what is beautiful, a talent he must have acquired from sitting in in the "beauty shop" for the better half of a day. but he is just as quick to diss things that are less than perfect. Dont go and see Naja if your feeling a bit bloated, he'll be sure to call you a geri falhi or something worse, dont go and see him if you have a pimple on your face he'll recommend some cream(but not before calling you some offensive name).hehehe. but you can't help but love him such a squishable huggable person.
I have become immune to perverts from hanging out with naja for so long. Somedays he just sits with me in cafe's and talks to my boobs. he'd go like: "hello, would you shake for me a lil,move up and down........hehehh. Kulhandhili, uramathi, heeslaa thankolhu, foah, thina, Buhjaadi, findhraanee, buriya jaha......these are the words that are bound to come out in his conversations. I bet you all heard the song Kaho nakaho,..the Hindi version of Tamally maak by Amr Diab.. well naja made this song for jameels break up with Shuaikaar its called Nudhenya Thalhan. he came to a conclusion that shuaikar must have split with Jameel because she wouldnt put out......what other worldly reason could their be.....beats me.
Oh wait Mayaa hoki, Amayey, Hus Dhogu these are the most recent additions to his rich offensive vocab. Iyadh used to be his very own personal pinata(pronounced pinyata). kalhu balhu, Kalhu bakari a few of his cute lil pet names for iyadh who is from the dark side. Thank god the boy has a heart of gold the only response you'd get out of him is a giggle or maybe a snort.
Naj Naj is quick to admire what is beautiful, a talent he must have acquired from sitting in in the "beauty shop" for the better half of a day. but he is just as quick to diss things that are less than perfect. Dont go and see Naja if your feeling a bit bloated, he'll be sure to call you a geri falhi or something worse, dont go and see him if you have a pimple on your face he'll recommend some cream(but not before calling you some offensive name).hehehe. but you can't help but love him such a squishable huggable person.
I have become immune to perverts from hanging out with naja for so long. Somedays he just sits with me in cafe's and talks to my boobs. he'd go like: "hello, would you shake for me a lil,move up and down........hehehh. Kulhandhili, uramathi, heeslaa thankolhu, foah, thina, Buhjaadi, findhraanee, buriya jaha......these are the words that are bound to come out in his conversations. I bet you all heard the song Kaho nakaho,..the Hindi version of Tamally maak by Amr Diab.. well naja made this song for jameels break up with Shuaikaar its called Nudhenya Thalhan. he came to a conclusion that shuaikar must have split with Jameel because she wouldnt put out......what other worldly reason could their be.....beats me.
Oh wait Mayaa hoki, Amayey, Hus Dhogu these are the most recent additions to his rich offensive vocab. Iyadh used to be his very own personal pinata(pronounced pinyata). kalhu balhu, Kalhu bakari a few of his cute lil pet names for iyadh who is from the dark side. Thank god the boy has a heart of gold the only response you'd get out of him is a giggle or maybe a snort.
Naja has a new obsession these days which is designing locks. go figure. he carries the blue prints around in his wallet. A very small sketch on an even smaller note paper. Although what i think he should be pursuing is bringing out an album of pervy songs. He could bring out a dozen with his existing material.
he recently lost a great deal of weight and is particularly critical of people with generous figures. He started calling shiuna fala fat way before he started losing any weight(His ass was spilling out the sides of his ancient chair that hasnt been dusted for 50 years, when he stole the priviledge). You can imagine the amount of stuff he'd have to say now. But no one really takes the stuff he has to heart because "its naja" after all.
The only time that i saw him shut his trap was on the night that nishath gave him a piece of his mind. I was waiting for the day someone would step up and take a go at Naja....nothing personal though...Well it was fun while it lasted but afterwards naja was like. hmpph he doesnt make any sense at all. i Just didnt wanna look even stupider by challenging someone stupid.
Thats him..the Naja that we all love.
How can i not love him..he gave me a big brown teddy bear just like him for my birthday.
btw Naja's birthday is coming its the 22nd of April
Someone actually shut that prrv up? Whoah! This I have to see. Wonder if there'll ever be a repeat performance. LOLZ love Buhjaadi btw. I think I'll steal some of those copyrighted terms. Btw tell Naja that I'm not proud of it but I DO know how to smoke now and it was Ashruf who sucked at it anyway. Mwah luv u boo. The post rocks.
There he is my biggest fan, My best friend, my boo...Yes Nishatha managed to do it for once. But i dont think he'll ever put his guard down again.
Well i aint proud of it either and will always stand firm in all my bigotry and double standardness against you smoking. But i am happy that your doing it right at least. Ashraf aah i remember that night when he started going on and on about gay Chivalry...Freak...Do i seem a bit whacky too since i was born on the same day as Ashraf. Well we both can pole dance..thats common ground for you or common leverage..hehehe
I'm counting down the days for your arrival.
I wanna travel through time see your surprise hold you so tight(thank you Miss imbruglia)
Now that he's lost all that weight I belives the term now is 'gods gift to women.'
He is though the best impromptu poet on the spot Ive ever met. Lyrical talent can compete with non.
as he sings to shakeera's whenever "nukaanan nuboanan, kaashifochey dhiruvailaigen, Sarubeetha Viruvailaigen."
yeah , true naja u just cant say anything abt him... first time i met him i was like so this is naja .. the one my friend iyad talks abt.. hehe hes a cool guy.. when me and nisa joins him for famous cofee he sings this song .. beya beya bunebala shey..in the most sexiest possible way..so i hope to see him again soon .. and u too nisa.. ps this blogs rocking!! yay
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