have you read the story of the witche's. Where a shit load of witches were among humans and no one even had a clue they were turning little kids into rats. Well its sorta like the same thing....but maybe a lil creepier. Look out theres one behind you, checkin out your ye ass. Which brings me to the topic du jour. Homosexuals!!!
Homosexuals have been around since the beginning of time. There was a time in a certain city "Sadoom" where gay people were commiting sodomy on the streets. but most of the time Homosexuals have remained in hiding beacuse it is not the societal norm to be gay. Well Gay activists are on the rise now and pretty soon we straight people will be the odd ones out. For centuries the bigger and better part of a population have been straight. Nowadays people want something new something different in all aspects of life. We want to colour our hair green we want to pierce all our pieces of dangling flesh, Lick em carpets and want to be anally assaulted (no offense if you get pleasure do it). Bisexuals are a different story altogether, i mean if you are turned on by a woman why tip over to the dark side....Well to each his own i aint perfect so i cant really judge...just stating my opinion.
But if its hormonal the individual is really helpless..I mean can it really be helped??
Well our religion has no exceptions for homosexuals, Boy george is still gonna be judged as a man no matter how much make up he wears, or even if "Your colours can light my dreams". It can never be natural eventhough it is acceptable. They cant reproduce can they... But i am thankful for all the gay fashion designers and musicans and artists for their famiculine touch.
Orgies and group sex sessions give birth to homosexuals too. Let me not even go into the subject of drug addicts who abuse their own. It is not cool or exciting...more like sickening...
But i have a lot of gay friends some of em even married and livin happily ever after(in this world). A friend is a friend i cant be bothered by their sexuality(Stand up comics would have less jokes to crack if all of us were straight). Just keep doing what you think is right. "Do ye thang lemme do my THANG- which is having amazing straight sex"
Yeah bisexuals are liars. If you can bring yourself to fuck someone of the same sex then you're gay and that's that. Even my gay friends think bis are annoying. But I gotta say, procreative sex is the most boring out of all types of nookie we can get. So I guess we're all in the same boat. Just tryin not to get ourselves or our partners knocked up. Some of us do it with condoms, others stuff their own kind. It's all love.
yeah the gays.. ooh gal.. i wish this wud change aspect of the entire thing.. i'm wordless.. yukkkkkkk!!! *gotta go puke a bit*
To each his own i say.......beequas more and more of your friends are coming out arent they hehehe. Surprise! Surprise!..Nothings gonna change ammadz gay people will be with us till then end of time...just dont swing your hips too much when you walk and you'll be safe....
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