Well no i aint gonna write about how efficient eye care opticals is, although i quite like em since they are bit more hygeinic and reliable than other opticians. Well i wanna talk about the Care Bears. Do you remember those cute cuddly creatures that kept us glued to the TV screens. I am sure most of us, if not all do remember them(i know for sure that shiuna does cos she refers to them a lot ). TVM used to (or maybe they still) have a very limited collection of Cartoons and the Care bears was among the best and the cutest(Others include the last Unicorn, lady lovely locks, Wind in the Willows and Ninja Turtles). Their powers are so fluffumasguffams tooo. I used to keep forcing air into my tummy hoping to see a rainbow pop out. But the only think that came out was a pfft sound and it didnt come out through my chest. And i used to sit on my pillow and pretend i was driving a cloud car like the care bears. i kinda hated the colour red too back then becos of dark heart. Cutie was crazy about the huggable heroes when she was a baby, she had to put the care bears tape on twice a day. Well until the tape was eaten up by the tape deck that is (poor baby cried a lot, a rare sight coming from QT). Damn tape decks, shoulder pads, pentium 2, Aminiya uniform and those cameras you have to rewind...are on top of the list of things that i will never miss.
Last night i started to think about em partly because Idhee is such a cute huggable teddy bear and also because of the huge bear that sits in my room(Mr. pervs gave it to me). I wondered whether they had gone obsolete. I mean you dont even see care bear soft toys or products on Sale. Well it seems they just went out of fashion like everything else. Everything except for barbies and pooh bear that is. But Care Bears are around and they celebrating their 25th anniversary. Todays kids are so hardened because of all the tough cartoon characters that have emerged(this isnt based on any research just going with the flow, who knows maybe todays kids are more proper and perky). Care Bears might be so obviously fictional and unreal (face it there arent pink and blue bears, only bears who'll care to eat you up). But the concept behind the cartoon is about teaching kids to see the good in things. I love the well mannered paddington bear too. Maybe i have a thing for fuzzy bears.
So peeps lets bring the Care Bears and the Care bear cousins into the lime light instead of the Vulgar banana's and Pyjamas(Two Walking dildos-bring on the protection) and the freaky Barney(I just hate purple) Oh yes not to forget rishmees yaara CD's(ye know the dancing cod fish) that kids love so much. Parents eventhough Azey may look like one of those kids on rug rats he is really just a homosexual human being and Rishmee may look a lot like codifix from Asterix and the Great divide she is a hot blooded woman who is only trying to be sexy. Its not their fault that the fruits of their hard labor end up looking more cartoonisk than human....please just spare your kids and let them grow into normal people. I BEG YOU.....
note: the picture that i have used on this post is of Love-a-lot Bear.
If you wanna refresh your memories on just how cute these critters are check em out at www.care-bears.com
Growing up
It's something you can measure
Growing up
It happens every day
Being young
Is something you can treasure
Life is good when you're
Growing up!
annd then it's all down hill from there onwards.
hmm for some reason I warmed to the FUNSHINE BEAR, and guess what I turned up to be.
LOVE paddington bear. I m hungry for a marmalade sandwitch now!
God I hated those things so much because of Kox. But that song. LOL. Love to break it out at any chance. And Codifix hahaha. Boo this post had me laffin' so hard.
HEHEHEheehehe If only growing up would seize after 20 at least the physical part of it. Hassantha you are a FUNSHINE bear, the world may try to bring you down but you keep showing the love...
Doesnt she look so much like codifix i'd like to get close to enuff to smell her but havent got the chance. I mean she is a star after all i'd have to sped sleepless nights to get a star sighting. Especially one of her calibre. We had a little spur of the moment BBQ last night at Ih's the fish turned out so good.
Much love Umaah
Ohhh they are so cute and how I loved to watch em. Me, I wanted to be secret bear..
"the dancing cod fish" Hah Hah...I almost peed while reading your post. we have a special name for Rishmee and Azza in our household "the Frill Sisters". when my grandma first saw Rishmee on TV she was like " its great that a thalassemic kid could dance so well" keke
mwaaaaah i love u my care bear.
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