If you want to discover true Maldivian cuisine look no further there's point in Majeedhee Magu close to ADK hospital called Aibalhey kada. My baby and mi bro brought home some of the goodies the other night. And i found out that those gluttons werent exaggerating bout the "Masburi Riha"(Translates into fish curry-big cuts of fish). I know the name sounds a lil profound but dont knock it till you've tried it. But you gotta be tolerant of a little spice if you wanna eat it. According to my Omni informed brother abe (only about the food joints- he is a walking meat truck) it goes best with Roti. Cos Farata's won't soak it all in.
Also According to legend (from the chronicles of Idy) lots of other Cafe's have tried to make their Masburi Riha taste like Aibalhey's but all their efforts proved in vain. I have a very good tongue for ingredients i think immana try and cook up some "Masburi Riha". I could definitely taste black pepper, coconut, onions, garlic, salt, lime and chillie's. Ye know just writing this article is making my mouth water. Although i know most of you who are unaware of this state treasure wont find the name of the dish or the place its served at very appetizing. ("Aibalhey Kada" translates into Misshapen arm).
Looking at events at hand seems there's going to be a dj at bandos on the third of April. It was originally scheduled for the 3rd of May but got delayed cos of funds. I know its not gonna be all that good. Even if the dj's do a good job, we'll soon forget about it because of the long queue for the ferry back and the thirst......and all those people you dont wanna see. Note this down too on your social calenders that theres going to be a Big Concert tommorow night for Road Safety or summin. Seems a lot of bands are gonna be playing on the show. You'll be sure to see me there with my better half.
Early tommorow morning before the bangalhees wake up "Bonny n Clyde" are gonna head on over to Hulhumale' to catch some fishies for my make-do tank... Guess what suckers i have a dancing fish..really you wont beleive how adorable it is. But you can't have it BLAaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttt
"Aibalhey kada"? Tsk tsk tsk ABE!!! He found a partner in crime huh? Good luck to you. You'll probly be cookin' for the rest of your life full-time. Mwah much love baby boo.
hey cmon u gave away the abalhey secret.dhen ehmen dhaan feshyma quality kada vaaneh.abalhey ahvess vaany vakivarehnu.and yeah theres another secret to abalhey,ull find live goats walking out of his kitchen,every now and then.hama asluvess ingey.umbaha baha baha
Aha there goes fuzz critisizing my tastes in food again.....believe me, me boy....u gotta eat it before u diss it.
Take ya there when u get here.
Will an uptown nigga like beequas go to downtown Aibalhey...i wonder. Idy knows how to cook too so we are gonna share the kitchen. Baby i am sure thanks to your live goat story Aibalhey is never going to run out of business.
Viva la Abe
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