Another month has come and gone, leaving its mark on so many people, people who died, people who were born, people who got promotions, people who got sacked, folks that came together and folks that had to part. I for one had to say goodbye to my beloved office timing. Thanks to our New administrator my two hour break time has been reduced to a measly one. And leave Saturday i have to be in the office before or at 8.00....I think i should have gone out to rally with the mdp gang. I mean how the fuck am i supposed to walk to my house eat and releive myself and get back to the office all in one hour. Despite all this i love my office mostly because of the lovable people who work there.
Sharima is the sweetest most sincere person you can ever meet, she is so patient it amazes me. Khaleel can be a pain in the ass most of the time but he has a good sense of humour which makes up for the annoyingness... Oh and there is Suneesh who is our accountant, he is not one of those ruthless typical accountants. He is the best Indian in the world. Polite, kind hearted and so very innocent oh! not to forget he looks like ibbe from Mahurab just a bit thinner thats all(by the way single lady's he is still up for grabs). Deepa is kinda new but so far she has proven to be a team player. Riza is so very proper and queer, its hard to tell whether he is a cookie or a playboy(he has been married 3 times) he thinks abe is very attractive, which is the ultimate gay test. Theres Solih who comes into the office once in a while to browse some porn who i thought was an Indian.I actually made jokes at him in his face thinking he wouldnt understand. And lastly my one and only boss shahid who has a very kind heart and bright ideas. Before i forget i have to include Gahir right hand man to shahid who is obsessed with the Mdp. The most interesting thing about him is his hairstyle which changes with the weather you'll know what i mean when you meet him.
I guess it all comes down to the people. Take male' for instance eventhough it is such a beautiful place most of us are forced to hate it because of the people living in it. Prying, back stabbing, cunning, evil bastards who live among us. In the same pissed off noted i have to mention that Maumoon has increased by the price of all food items probably to pay off the loans he took to buy that hot new BMW and the extention to his house in Kuwait. A felivaru masdhalhu costs 9 Rufiya ....fuck, fuck, fuck the system...all i can do right now is hope they all burn in hell. Amen
Note: Baby congratulations on "finally" passing your written driving test hope you pass the pracs tooo.. umah 4 more days baby just 4 more days
Hey thanks for the call boo. I was hopin' you'd ring me up later too but I guess you got busy. You sound blue in this post. Anything wrong? Even Abe's gay joke seemed a bit morose. hehehe. Hang tuff. 'N you're still my hero. mwah
mwaah my puddin pie,hey u forgot to add me to the ppl from ur office list.iv been visitn u so much that shahid doesnt even notice me anymore heheh.soo u need to lite up the office eii ;-)(everyone else turn around )baby call me when no ones around heheheheh;) mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.i love u.
Nayy!!!! qwas i am fine just a bit fed up with working thats all...Happy childrens day(to the child in all of us).
Baby you naughty naughty boy....i love you so much..god bless us...may we always be as hot and heavy as we are now Amen...Umah
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