Its been too long since i last watered my lil Rose.....sorry darling. Honestly i was too busy the past week my writing had to be temporarily blocked.
Guess what i went baby sitting, this is actually the second time around and eventhough its been months since the last time, i do think i've improved..or maybe the baby was too tired to give me a hard time. Three cheers for all the mums out there for their endurance and unbeleivable patience.
No doubt about it i wanna be a mum i've even picked out baby names for my baby's. I am not gonna jinx anything by revealing the names right now so lets just slide. Like every mum i want my baby to be very healthy. and by healthy i mean really chubby with cute lil love handles, big cheeks and fluffy baby bottom(hopefully my baby is gonna inherit idy's cute round heiny). My sister Cutee and Fine were the best baby's. All you had to do was feed them make em look pretty and your all set. No wailing or tantrums if they looked a bit unsettled it meant they needed some sugar. I guess stuffing their teeny mouthy wouthy's is one way to keep baby's from bawling. This method is totally useless for any child of nani's. Yana! Yana! Yana! she is so pretty, so clever and so naughty. There is no way you can get the better of her. I am her aunt and she has never willingly come to my arms, except for the time she slept on my shoulder(she was about 3 months and verry verry tired right about then).
I am so fucking sleepy this morning so i'll just stop right here.....until the next time......toootaatatatata
Ooh and by the way theres gonna be a dj at Bandos featuring some UK popband called Unleashed. This is the first time I've even heard of the group and hopefully it will be the last and there is no way in hell i am going to cross the wide open sea to subject myself to European torture. I've been dying to dance but somehow i feel this event is a must miss. So i'll take that rain check-Thank you
so my baby wants to be a mum ei,any time baby any time hehehe, love u mwaaaaaaaaaah.
lol.......u both are just hilarious....hey nisee wen r u gonna introduce ur Idy with a cute heiny to me?????
feeling broody...OH MY GOD...IS this NISA for real.
maybe its your hormones playing tricks on you.
buy a pregnancy test quick!
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