Damn its been too long since i've written anything on my blog. I've just been too busy and uninspired i guess. Its that time of the year again when friends living abroad come flocking home for Summer. But sadly it aint the summer of 69 it used to be here. The tides are rolling in and we are slowly but surely going under. We have to either speed up evolution and develop some quality gills or just drown and die a painful death(imagine gawk splutter aaahh urrghh). I know its only natural for us to not wanna leave our beautiful home and flee to safety. But i am afraid it is the only chance we have of surviving. Question is where do we go. I heard from my work "mate" that "Australians" have already allocated space for us refugees to camp at when disaster does strike.
What i can't get right now is the fact that the government is planning to open more resorts. Why the hell aren't they willing to see that 20 years from now we'd be lucky to have 10 atolls above sea level.
Finally "food safety" has come into the light (read it like terminator). Food joints are being closed down by the dozen. That big ol place called SLAM was slammed shut because of rodent infestation and diseased staff. For some reason i always did avoid going there (someone up there is surely looking out for me). One of my Fav haunts Mughalai was shut down not shocking since its run by Indians, who arent really known for their sense of hygeine. Guess there wont be anymore Naan nights with Baxoo..damn. I wonder whats gonna happen when they move onto the harbour i bet the places are gonna go down one after the other like dominoes.
What i can't get right now is the fact that the government is planning to open more resorts. Why the hell aren't they willing to see that 20 years from now we'd be lucky to have 10 atolls above sea level.
Finally "food safety" has come into the light (read it like terminator). Food joints are being closed down by the dozen. That big ol place called SLAM was slammed shut because of rodent infestation and diseased staff. For some reason i always did avoid going there (someone up there is surely looking out for me). One of my Fav haunts Mughalai was shut down not shocking since its run by Indians, who arent really known for their sense of hygeine. Guess there wont be anymore Naan nights with Baxoo..damn. I wonder whats gonna happen when they move onto the harbour i bet the places are gonna go down one after the other like dominoes.
aaaahhhhhhh the laze the laze its takin me overrrr...can't type no more..
I was rather disturbed the other day when I read an article by this pakistani writer whos topic was about the increase of climatic refugees in the future and he mentions us. (maldives.) He also wrote about how pakistan is the country which has taken on the most number of refugees compared to any other nation ( all the afghanis I presume and a few iraqis) and how Pakistan will welcome us with open arms. Apparently there are loads of free land in one of their coastal areas and with our skill on building world re-nowned beach resorts we could help bring in some money to them after we migrate.....I just froze with horror. I didnt know whether it was the thought of us loosing these vulnerable islands or the idea of us in Pakistan. I think I might choose to go down with my ship!
Whoah!!! aint no way i am moving to Pakistan. Noooo way. Out of errbody in the whole wide world i hate Paki's the most. They suck on a whole new level. Pompous freaks who act like they own the world. Plus the number of fundamentalists here will do for me. Eww ewww. I'd rather walk the plank before it sinks then move to pakistan. I think i am gonna be sick.
scuse me
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