8th of June!!!!i am dreading the arrival of that fateful date when the whole world will find out how pathetic our modelling industry is. Why???? why would anybody want to put themselves in a glass house and call out them boys with sling shots. It is one thing to have small fashion shows to show case the designs of some hopeful homosexual but it is totally another when you invite international models who can actually reach a door knob without standing on their toes. One of my palios who went to watch the rehearsals said it was a slut fest and none of the girls were even bearable. It pains me so to have our country ridiculed world wide and i know how cruel people from the fashion industry can be(no no not from experience but by watching trendz , Janice Dickons show and ofcourse America's next top model). I know by international models being a part of the show it actually refers to struggling Indian models but even those girls would look like goddesses next to our line of smurfets.
But the hypocritical fact remains that i am definitely going to be among the crowd for this show. To check out the music from the almighty "fasy"(who i think is a great musician but an entertainer i am not so sure- ) well and to support the models. I am sure the whole carnival is going to be packed. Not because people have so much faith that this event is going to be a blast but Male' is over populated and most of us have nothing better to do on a Friday evening. You should have seen the crowd that turned up for the launching of the "Haashaviyani raajaa cd" mostly kids. Once again i was among the crowd amazed at how parents entertain their kids these days(including my sister nani). I mean Muhamma is just gross apart from being a money laundering, womanizing psycho. OOh and if the local crowd does happen to find something to do the banglaa boys will be sure to pack the place up.
You know i think the problem with these organizers is that they aim too high(or maybe they are too high). They could make a smaller event with more quality. It is a fact that when you want to start something like this it is better to work with a controlled crowd first. This way you will find how much the crowd appreciates your effort and actually have a better chance of showing some proffesionalism. Try copying a fashion event first and than work towards making your own. You cant really determine the success of a fashion because of the turn out especially since popular bands are playing. But this is just what i think, the only positive that i can see from this show is that a lot of people will get to view the work. Well that too could have been arranged in a more profitable way perhaps by selling the cd to TV maldives or cd shops i am sure it would sell. I dont know i have so many fucking ideas and i know so many creative people but i dont have the cash or the drive to run around looking for sponsors. So i guess what my lazy ass has to say doesn't hold any weight. But i am just happy to get the weight of my thoughts off my shoulder.
Ooh and i can't wait for the 8th of June either because my bestest best buddy is coming home and this time for good. And one more thing Idy i love you!!!
Note: the picture is of my favorite indian model of all time Deepanita
Hai re hai uska goongta! Deepanita could walk down my runway anytime (lamest sexual innuendo ever?). Is this thing on the 8th by the way? 'cos then I have a strong feeling that Deepanita's jus comin' 2 male' 2 c me. Hell fuck the strong feeling bit. I'm sure she is!!!!
no boo you've got it all wrong Deepanita aint coming....it would totally be beneath her to do something like walking on a make do ramp at Alimas Carnival on what is probably going to be a stormy night. The sky's always seem to cloud up for such occasions.Perhaps she'll visit lanka while your there...maybe hit a few clubs with you. But Oh my god you must like her more than me if you got that from what I wrote...we should go to Mumbai sometime act classy and visit some shows....heheheh...
baby i love you ,mwah,n fuck the maldivian fashion industry,it just doesnt exist.
Baby i love you more and you might just be right...
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