Here's something i've discovered ( peeps might have discovered this already though) but i have come to find that everything is how you make it out to be. You can choose to be happy, angry or even sad in any situation.
I mean someone could come you and screw you from behind and you could choose to let it pass. smile and let it pass, while under normal circumstances you would choose to hang the offender(I am not hinting on Saddam commiting Sodomy although the name rhymes.....please religious fanatics dont come after me again). But why do we not do that? and make life easier.I dont know the answer to that myself, cause i do have my highs, lows and Bitch Fits. Us humans are so complex aren't we. Sometimes i get a certain sick pleasure in being a bit of a drama queen. At other times i like to be super cool and not mind anything at all. go figure!!
Its all about choices...if you have the luxury of choice, things get durrttyy and complicated. Depending on which road you take.
But all of us have to remember that the choices that we make affect the people around us. People that you probably don't wanna hurt(yes u are right in assuming that i am telling myself all this).
AAh well thats that...............sorry for wasting...2 mins of your time on this entry that you thought might make some sense and in the end it didnt....to make up for that here is a huge New YEar KIssy
oh yeah i have to write this before i can move on....last night my band of pirates n me went to a "supposed" pirate theme party. No one made the effort to dress up, or perhaps it didnt occur to them that a theme involves dressing up...I've already made peace with the fun levels of most of my folk. A piece of advise from me (this is very rare right bro-because people dont listen to me) could be your New Years resolution.
1 comment:
I think it was Fiona Apple who went and said that on some MTV awards show (which year and what awards show is a complete blur to me). I thought she was a real downer for saying that then but about ten years later and after listening to every record she put out I'm convinced that intelligent people like you and Fiona might just have the right idea. Muah luv you boo but still kinda mad I din't get a call on New Year's eve but I heard the phone line's were kinda busy so you've got that excuse. ;)
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