I am back again this time with a vengeance...
I mean think people, without the luxury of your mums womb you wouldnt be here. Wasn't that J-lo's butt you were staring at yesterday ? (women asking to be exploited-another issue i might blog about if i can be bothered). Dont you think we deserve a lil more respect. Why do you want to wrap us up in black, shut us up throw away the key, and just use us as sex and baby making machines. WHAT IS THE FUN IN THAT? God made everything for a reason. Why shouldnt we flaunt our assets? Should we just come into the world, give birth and then just fade away into oblivion? Shouldnt we be allowed to leave a mark, make a difference......enjoy life a bit? Is it fair to be so objectified
I thank the good lord for not being born in Saudi Arabia, at least i can wear a mini-skirt here(ignoring the looks from judgmental psychopaths). Since the better part of the female population here have started garbing themselves in the "Hijaab"(Eventhough i hate the concept i like the name so i just had to add that in) I asked someone who i thought might have been able to convince me to wear one. Well i read the stuff, seems it protects us women for being judged based on looks blah blah blah. Isn't it the same for men...i'd vote for Josh hartnett anytime of the day, while i would never come hell or high water vote for someone like Abishek bachan. I just dont see the point of wearing a veil in this extreme heat..well maybe to make a fashion statement. You know i could go on and on and on bout this.
One of these days i am going to build a time machine (as a favor to my bearded brothers and Ninja sisters) and jet them off to the past where they'd fit right in.
Oh and one more thing.....no one is in any position to question anothers faith.
and bless my brother beequas for defending por defenseless me from the vicious attacks of a fellow blogger....who no doubt checked me out(aint that a fact). Cos face it buddy u are only human, only difference between you n me is i got class....................respect!!
I mean think people, without the luxury of your mums womb you wouldnt be here. Wasn't that J-lo's butt you were staring at yesterday ? (women asking to be exploited-another issue i might blog about if i can be bothered). Dont you think we deserve a lil more respect. Why do you want to wrap us up in black, shut us up throw away the key, and just use us as sex and baby making machines. WHAT IS THE FUN IN THAT? God made everything for a reason. Why shouldnt we flaunt our assets? Should we just come into the world, give birth and then just fade away into oblivion? Shouldnt we be allowed to leave a mark, make a difference......enjoy life a bit? Is it fair to be so objectified
I thank the good lord for not being born in Saudi Arabia, at least i can wear a mini-skirt here(ignoring the looks from judgmental psychopaths). Since the better part of the female population here have started garbing themselves in the "Hijaab"(Eventhough i hate the concept i like the name so i just had to add that in) I asked someone who i thought might have been able to convince me to wear one. Well i read the stuff, seems it protects us women for being judged based on looks blah blah blah. Isn't it the same for men...i'd vote for Josh hartnett anytime of the day, while i would never come hell or high water vote for someone like Abishek bachan. I just dont see the point of wearing a veil in this extreme heat..well maybe to make a fashion statement. You know i could go on and on and on bout this.
One of these days i am going to build a time machine (as a favor to my bearded brothers and Ninja sisters) and jet them off to the past where they'd fit right in.
Oh and one more thing.....no one is in any position to question anothers faith.
and bless my brother beequas for defending por defenseless me from the vicious attacks of a fellow blogger....who no doubt checked me out(aint that a fact). Cos face it buddy u are only human, only difference between you n me is i got class....................respect!!
"and so we are told by them..hell is full of women". When's the next flight out to hell? I want to book my reservation now...
On a serious note, they attack women because secretly they are guilty of their fantasies about J-Lo and the rest. My little cousin's bearded "edhurubey" brings his laptop almost every week to my brother to fix it because its got the porn virus on it - he ofcourse has no clue what's happened to it but we all know which websites he's been surfin..! AND he's too "pious" to shake my mom's hand. Tut! Tut!
Sing it sister. Heaven is probably more LA than Iran anyway. And why do all the bruthas have to disprespect themselves by not thinkin' their hair ankles n wrists turn women on too. Mine sure do n i ain't gonna keep 'em covered. So why shud all my ladies do it too.
The only male feminist
Ur boo
To enter heaven you need to wear the heavensuit (commonly known as Hijab) to brave the 10 billion martyrs and jihadees waiting for their turn at the 72 virgins.
Oxygen masks will drop down from above in case of suffocation.
Al Nisa,
do not axpect the mullahs to leave you alone. They will not as they are so scared of your power and they know if let loose the women dominates every aspect of life on this earth. That is something the mullahs and most menfolk cannot stand.
The physical strength that man are granted with has no chance against the physical beauty of women. The only chance the men have, is to convince the women to cover their beauty, (their only potential weapon) from the brutality of men. They claim it as a protection for women from men, themselves. How strange? It is as if to tell your sister that I am a beast, so run away from me or disguise yourself in such a way that you are not conspicuous, or else I have no option but to satisfy my urge, and you are to blame.
And the other tactic they use is, the women folk are the precious and beautiful gems of the Islamic nation. So they have to be kept safe and hidden from the thieves. (What use is beauty and preciousness if they are not to be displayed and savoured in every sense of the word?) Who are the thieves, anyway?
The man can roam around and go on hunting for as much as they want while the women have to entertain themselves watching Kasauti or Kusum, which in fact is haram in their (Burgha lobbysts)views. But they will overlook that as a favour for obedience and uncompromising loyalty, while they are on the search for a second or third wife at the expense of their obedint wife and kids.
Nisa, this scourge can be only erased form our society only by women themselves because men are at an advantage at the status qua. Your bro Hamza and handful few guys like me are unbiased and see the wide picture more clearly. But most men are willing to overlook this as a problem because they seem to say as long as women are happy, why should we make an issue out of a situation, of which most women are unaware of. So fight and recruit more to your cause. Women only can do it. Rebel against the in equalty and rise and remain standing until men yield.
The second male feminist, sorry to disappoint your Boo Hamza.
Sigh, you bleed your own sister's heart. for me the covered women has purity & beauty on another unpretentious level. Mark the word unpretentious.
I look gorgeous too in my red dress, every women can look gorgeous uncovered. still where's the fun in that, if it's too displayed - sooner or later it will be so boring people won't care as much as if they don't see it often. it's just devaluing it, i.e: girls show a hint of cleavage & yeah whatever. there's tons of that, even better ones (yawn).
plus when you get older, younger women will always prop up to have more gorgeous "assets" than you could even imagine - so I really don't believe women should value themselves by their "assets" anyway. you're just setting yourself to a downfall.
anyway, i support covered women. because they value themselves more in the true value - personality, kindness that inner beauty.
i love how they don't flaunt yet emits a radiant glow. Wow. God Bless. & i'm sorry if I hurt.
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