Sunday, December 31, 2006

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I mean think people, without the luxury of your mums womb you wouldnt be here. Wasn't that J-lo's butt you were staring at yesterday ? (women asking to be exploited-another issue i might blog about if i can be bothered). Dont you think we deserve a lil more respect. Why do you want to wrap us up in black, shut us up throw away the key, and just use us as sex and baby making machines. WHAT IS THE FUN IN THAT? God made everything for a reason. Why shouldnt we flaunt our assets? Should we just come into the world, give birth and then just fade away into oblivion? Shouldnt we be allowed to leave a mark, make a difference......enjoy life a bit? Is it fair to be so objectified
I thank the good lord for not being born in Saudi Arabia, at least i can wear a mini-skirt here(ignoring the looks from judgmental psychopaths). Since the better part of the female population here have started garbing themselves in the "Hijaab"(Eventhough i hate the concept i like the name so i just had to add that in) I asked someone who i thought might have been able to convince me to wear one. Well i read the stuff, seems it protects us women for being judged based on looks blah blah blah. Isn't it the same for men...i'd vote for Josh hartnett anytime of the day, while i would never come hell or high water vote for someone like Abishek bachan. I just dont see the point of wearing a veil in this extreme heat..well maybe to make a fashion statement. You know i could go on and on and on bout this.
One of these days i am going to build a time machine (as a favor to my bearded brothers and Ninja sisters) and jet them off to the past where they'd fit right in.
Oh and one more thing.....no one is in any position to question anothers faith.
and bless my brother beequas for defending por defenseless me from the vicious attacks of a fellow blogger....who no doubt checked me out(aint that a fact). Cos face it buddy u are only human, only difference between you n me is i got class....................respect!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
My Kingdom for a Night Club

Where are the children of the night???!! the dancers in the dark(with disco lighting)??!! i command you all to come forward and embrace this time of the year (the best excuse to let loose) and have as many party's as you can. Make it happen, get it started. What the hell are we waiting for? ye know at times like these i hate maumoon, for being soo square. Why the fuck can't we have a night club? Surely it would be feasible...i know so many party people on the look out for a haunt willing to pay good money for it. Money that is being wasted at Pizzeria, Seagull and West Park contributing to the wealth of people like Lollypop Jaabir who will probably waste it on some slut kiss her and ye know balaabodu n all that jazz. If the fundamentalists have a problem with opening a disco they can come talk to me...i'll set them straight(yes i am using straight both ways stupid gay bastards). Maumoon i know you read my blog so heres the low down people are doing drugs, getting drunk, dancing and hallelujah! screwing around in your lil play house. So what difference is a few night clubs gonna make. If you want to still project the image of running a 100% muslim country then name the club Yaa layla or habeebee(i'm a genius arent i) trust me noone will be the wiser.
Its such a crying shame that us working class girls n boys dont have anywhere to chill and blow off some steam. Same old coffee shops day in day out. It took some work but i have made peace with the fact that i have to see the same faces everywhere i go!!! since Male' only stretches for 3 feet. But the same drudgery of having nowhere to strut my stuff is seriously too much to ask from me.
I was not engineered that way...
Sunday, December 17, 2006

This time around i'd like to share with you one of my very priceless possesions, my sister cutie. I have quite a few siblings, my mum and dad did there bit for the planet(amen) dont worry ya'll wont have to read bout everyone one of em. i chose phil(another name for my sista) as my subject cos she is so wonderfully wierd.
Seems people born under the star sign pisces are dreamers....well according to my observations dreamers could be the understatment of the century. Let me elaborate if i may......This is how a normal day would pass for Ms. Cutie pie
-Wake up at about 4.00 noon and pause infront of the mirror for about 30 mins or just sit infront of the mirror and pout for no reason at all...
-Go to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee....n then sit infront of the tv with it as someone might in a very big meeting or perhaps infront of the crown prince of England
-Try on all the clothes in her closet listening to music and dancing all the while.......only talking back to people when they talk to her....she makes the best analogies...
-Might suddenly sit on the kitchen counter sedutively and smile(i really dont know what goes on in her pretty head,i could have sworn she was flirting with a roll of tape just the other day)
- Might sleep again in the evening if she doesnt have her daily dose of caffeine.
-Put on some arab influenced make up and cat walk her way to the tuck shop next door........she has the magical power in her ass to stop traffic and all pedestrians when she passes.....and this aint no exaggeration.
-Have a photo shoot with her mobile phone inside the bathroom. cos the lighting is best there...
-later at night she goes online and breaks hearts of young and old alike
-oh yeah strictly prays five times a day which really does not fit in with other activites...but i aint complainin........
One of these days i am gonna make a home video of her and share this beautiful freak with the world....
Heres a song that i used to think complimented me but i guess it goes better for you koksy
Youre such a beautiful freak/I wish there were more just like you/Youre not like all of the others/And that is why I love you/Beautiful freak, beautiful freak/That is why I love you/Beautiful freak, beautiful freak/Some people think you have a problem/But that problem lies only with them/Just cause you are not like the others/But that is why I love you/Beautiful freak, beautiful freak/Yeah that is why I love you/Beautiful freak, beautiful freak/Too good for this world/But I hope you will stay/And Ill be here to see that you dont fade away/Youre such a beautiful freak/I bet you are flying inside/Dart down and then go for cover/And know that I love you/Beautiful freak/You know that I love you/Beautiful freak, beautiful freak
Friday, December 15, 2006
Lemme tell you a lil bout meself...i am sure bout nothing......i've no worries......no faith.......no regrets.......no secrets..........no loose ends........what i've got is.......credit card bills thanks to my addiction to shopping.............the best family.........a boyfriend(idhee) recent addition...........an eye infection........a job.......n loads of love to give.
This year has turned out to be rather eventful... but i feel like next years gonna be dabomb cos me boo's(bqwas) coming and sugar is gonna be born. Hopefully dad is gonna get married and move out so we can move on. but the downside is i'm gonna ave miles miles between my baby n me..bwaaaah....oh yes i hafto mention that i have an older, louder slightly more intelligent version of me her names mum and she is perfect. I have three fighting fish shiuna,kashif and usaid(lovely names of lovely peeps in my life) and a turtle who in a matter of days i will handover to AZ cos she keeps stinking up the whole house..oh and yes i love fluffy cats...what i willy willy wanna do in life is get so stinking rich i don't ever have to wake up when i am sleepy....so everyone who visits my blog pls be kind enuff to donate 5 dollars towards the "please dont wake nisa" foundation.