I really can't do with six hours of sleep. It simply is not enough for me. I have a lazy ass brain that refuses to function unless I have enough sleep and by enough i mean more than 7 hrs. Which brings me to the conclusion that the optimum amount of sleep depends on the individual.
Lets isolate Anni for example: At the most i believe he sleeps about 2 hrs every other day. At times I don't get him at all. I read an article once that said successful people like Donald Trump and Bill Gates do not sleep unless it is absolutely necessary. All my hopes of becoming a millionaire/President came to a tragic hault after reading the stupid article. Now i am on a quest to find successful personalities who sleep a lot. I need to prove the article wrong by all means. The sad truth however is I still haven't found a single person who fits.
Alas!!!I am doomed and destined for failure.....well maybe a little success
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