Where do I begin? the whole affair is disastrous from the make up to the lame-ass judges and don't even get me started on Susan errgh.
Well lets start with what i like about the show(cos trust me its not a lot). I like the cute little dresses the burugaa woman(no offense but i don't know her name) stitches. The tops, skirts and dresses are very upto date. Mm then what?? Oh yeah!! I also like the fact that somebody made an effort to actually hold such an event...but they should have put more thought and work into it....if you're gonna do something, do it right!!!
Next up, Nizam!!
I think everybody who is commenting about the show on facebook is mistaken. Nizam is not trying to be Simon, or even if he is, he looks more like Miss Jay from Americas next top model..Honestly!! the resemblance is uncanny, give him a flowered hat and some lipstick, Voila!! you've got the fabulous Miss Jay!! Note to Xee:"if i were you I'd do something about Nizams eyebrows and his constant sweating,Gross!!"
Xee is a pretty girl...............well thats just it. Her makeup is average, her hairstyles are always the same and her comments are not useful in anyway. If you are an authority on something, or pretending to be one in this case you have to be very sure of what you say. You don't have to ask the audience if you are right or not..With Xee its like "thihen hedheema hadi dho? Varah Salhi dho". Even if her appearance is pretty polished the rest of her is as unsophisticated as the models. She showed just how uncultured she is on the last episode of Evince Top Model when she told Suzan that she looked better than Tyra Banks. For shame!! Tyra banks!! the Supermodel who has modelled for all the major labels in the world and who has appeared on the cover of all the major fashion magazines. Well okay lets keep aside Tyra's fame and fortune for one second and compare the two.
Tyra Banks:
Height: 5'11
Measurements: 34-28-40
Suzan whatsisname:
Height: 5'2 at the most
Measurements: 29-25-32(give or take)
readers you be the judges and tell me if Suzan will ever be in the same league as Tyra Banks??the nerve.
Beauty is subjective what is beautiful to me may not appeal to you but you don't diss Tyra on a show about modelling!! Its like Nuzeiru telling Juwairiya on a cookery show down that she is a much better cook than Nigella. So Xee get your facts straight before becoming a judge on TV. Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson have their own labels too but no one will have them as judges in a show..heheh..If you have money to burn you can open up boutiques and Salons all over Male' but it doesn't make you an authority on Fashion..Na-uh!!
Kiram may have been photographing bitches and ho's in Male' since god knows when. But where are his accolades? has he photographed anyone for an international fashion magazine. There is a fat lot of difference between a "photographer" and a "Fashion photographer". I just don't think that Kiram is or can be a fashion photographer. I beleive he is too lecherous to be one...How can you work with female models if you can't keep your dick in your pants??there is a certain something called professionalism which he needs to identify with if he wants to ever become a "Noted Photographer". As for his constant hand gestures: his hands are like a defense mechanism. You can see the lack of confidence in his eyes, if you touch his hands they are probably Ice cold, so inroder to overcome his fear or to disguise it he uses his hands(but i can still see it). Moving back to his insatibale apetite for women, Xee and him may have something going on behind the judges booth. Nizam and Kiram have about 5 inches space between them but Xee and Kiram are stuck together. I guess Kiram is scared that Nizams inner Miss Jay might emerge at anytime.That would scare any man!!
Suzan has never modelled on any of the shows in Male', she has never won any challenges related to fashion, for all i know she hasn't studied fashion and apparently she hasn't been watching fashion Tv that much either..So why is she the right person to host the show?(how lame it might be!!) it beats me. I could do the job as well, i have the same creds, I have never modelled, (oh just that one time for Karl Lagerfeild-but i dont' like talking about it), I never studied fashion..but..Oh now I see why they didn't ask me to do it. I watch a lot of reality shows and I could probably do a better job than Susan., it makes sense now. Referring to yourself as a second person, Honey!! you are so out of your mind. I still am reeling over the fact that she said,"Aharen Tyra ah vaan beynun bama onanee mihaaru vefa ey". I mean," What the Fuck"? Who are you?...Tyra would laugh her ass off if she heard that comment(fact is she will never hear it because face it, Real models don't live in our world). So "Humble" down Sweetheart!!
Damnit I have so much to write but I don't have anymore time!! Gotta get back to work..
love ya
i just wanna say that u should give some credit to them for doing a show like this in male' for the first time and that was a bit rude about suxan being not pretty. she is a very girl and maybe for some ppl she may look much more prettier than tyra banks and further more not all rich hollywood models are pretty,alek, naomi ...they wont look good without the pounds and pounds of make up they put on. but they are some of the richest ppl in the world. and u are saying that maldivian would never be as beautiful as foreignerssss???????
wowwwwww are u a maldivian?????i have seen a show where tyra was not wearing any make up in tyra show?????u didn't right ?????if u did u would have never talked about it hehehehehe
Well!! i did give some credit at the start for their effort...well i never said in the whole thing that Suxan wasn't a pretty girl...I guess you've got me all wrong then, its just that Tyra Banks is a world reknowned model and it is very unprofessional to talk down to her on a modelling show....I am a Maldivian flesh and blood, and all the rest of me...i want Maldivians, us to do better than this shitty show...people like honey and them who've got the height and build can ofcourse think about being a "real model" but Suxan no way..but thats just me...I've seen Tyra without her make up and her wigs she aint a pretty sight but modelling is all about the end product...Tyra can cover up her wrinkles and creases with make up but how can you add 8 inches to Suxan....Naomi is a very hott woman,have you seen her legs and her walk Ooh Mama(at the risk of sounding gay)and Alek is like a statuette..I see you are a bit of a rascist..you mentioned Alek and Naomi the creme dela creme of the modelling industry......Oh yes and i never expect the whole world to agree with me.....
lol lol lolz... i see someone who has a big crush on susan. :D:D :D haha... damn. seriously princess nisa.. i cant stop laughing. maybe he's susan's secret admirer :D
u wanted the whole world to agree with u, thats why u wrote it in the first place, otherwise u will be keeping in to urself,and by the way, why dont u go in front of a mirror and take a look at urself.i am guessing u are one fat girl sixe 40 40 40 in a room with no where else to go writing shitty things about ppl who haven't done any fucking thing to u.u wont be getting chance whatsoever to present by any fucking place in the world and as u say even the "katumulla maldivians" wouldn't hire u.u keep googling tyras breast sixe and butt sixe and be a fashionistaaaa without any place to go.dull ass
heheh Well i might be a, fat dull ass sitting in a room writing stuff...but you're even sadder cos you are reading what i write...Oops!!I don't use the word Katmulla btw..You can check the finance Ministry Mister and find the Maldivian people pay me over 70,000 rufiya an year to present..but i am guessing Susan makes more than that auctioning off her naked pictures on the internet..Ooops they are for free..If you don't like what i write there is no need reading it..It would be better to stay away because i will continue to bitch, snap and swear at whomever i want cos this is my blog..Not the whole worlds but Mine!!I have mirrors all the way my house and i admire myself over and over and over and over........
Dear tomb,
No offense but.In year 2004 Susan's pic was exposed on the internet by someone. Some who said he did it for the sake of all the ugly Maldivian girls to let them know that they should be proud, because there are much uglier people in Male'/Maldives for an example Susan. Compared to her our princess Nisa is much better looking, oh and yeah u accidentally said out your figure 40,40,40 damn...your a ball? Susan is dog shit compared to Nisa, so why don't you fok off live your life with your dog shit girlfriend "Susan/Suzan" and mind your own business if your so troubled about us writing what we want when we want in here. why dont you stab your self.still we'll continue what we do everyday, criticize whats worse. Nisa i guess we should criticize this idiot.and Dude.. have you heard anything called freedom. Its our own place, we write what we want whenever we want. Have you got a problem with that?
for tomb- I cant believe he said models like naomi campbell and alek wek are the ugly ones. How racist can you get! Dhivehinneh kamaku thankolheh heyluntheri vaan vejje dho. naomi maybe a phone throwing diva but hey shes gorgeous. and great post nisa :)Took the words right out of my mouth.
for tomb- I cant believe he said models like naomi campbell and alek wek are the ugly ones. How racist can you get! Dhivehinneh kamaku thankolheh heyluntheri vaan vejje dho. naomi maybe a phone throwing diva but hey shes gorgeous. and great post nisa :)Took the words right out of my mouth.
for tomb- I cant believe he said models like naomi campbell and alek wek are the ugly ones. How racist can you get! Dhivehinneh kamaku thankolheh heyluntheri vaan vejje dho. naomi maybe a phone throwing diva but hey shes gorgeous. and great post nisa :)Took the words right out of my mouth.
for tomb- I cant believe he said models like naomi campbell and alek wek are the ugly ones. How racist can you get! Dhivehinneh kamaku thankolheh heyluntheri vaan vejje dho. naomi maybe a phone throwing diva but hey shes gorgeous. and great post nisa :)Took the words right out of my mouth.
well said! i love this article. and i never saw dat episode about them comparing tyra banks to suzan...(cringe) how ever much i wanted to watch d show and laugh my ass off i had better things to do :/ anyway i just wanted to say it was very unprofessional and stupid to say such a thing about one of the greatest model in the world (tyra banks) and comparing her to susan? please! this is just the stuff dat makes me laugh my ass off...wat a sad bunch of wanna be cool people.
Hey Nisa, I just wanted to say that this made me have a relaxed time after a huge load-ass of time duin my damned assignments(Right back to topic)
U so damn right abt all this Shizz. Evince model 2009 was so horrible. The photography and movements were restricted. I didnt like the dresses what the buruga-lady sewed cux maybe im not that uptodate or maybe i just dont like her much cux she is a freaking disgrace to all the burugys out there.
NO CREDIT GIVEN TO SUSAN. They'd be better off taking a whore from streets of mal'e and using them. Atleast they'd have a bit of self control than her. SHe thinks she is tyra banks i mean WTF!!! Tyra is super hot (even with the extra weight) and she is super intelligent. Susan will be neither.
Lastly thank u for writing a great blog. I used to follow hamxah's blog as well but then i stopped and decided to give ur blog a try for the first time ever. I love it.
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