Why doesn't it rain when i want it to?
Today is the last day of a very long week and i can't wait for the clock to strike nisa "get up and leave". As i wait for the clock to move its slow ass hands it starts to rain. Shucks shucks and more shucks what good is rain today. I can't lie down with a book and cosey up in bed. I can't go out and do a little rain dance with my Umbrella(i've learned some moves from Rihannas music video). Rain why couldn't you have waited just one more day?? just another 24 hours. Tommorow is Friday and i can sleep to your sweet sound tap tapping on my window. But noooo you won't gimme that pleasure will you? Maybe i'll just resign and go home to enjoy this cold morning. Nope i wont becos i know you'll stop pouring down the minute i quit. That is just how you work and i will not give you the pleasure...absolutely not
Rain, I remember how you used to make it really difficult for me to get to school on the Final day. Everytime whether it be March, June or November i always had to wade through so much water to get to school on the final day. The next day or the first day of my school holidays there would not be a cloud in the sky and the sun would be shining in all its glory. Life is a test i know? but do i have to be tested so harshly...do i have to be tortured so...Sun why do you have to be so efficient? why can't you take some time off...say only from this direction. Honestly we are tired of being too close to equator ............now Gahir is here with the latest retaliation...i gotta G...O
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