I watched FREINDS from beginning to end and admit that i enjoyed it somewhat. But i really don't know why some folks can't get over the show. Especially with the really crummy predictable ending...who would've thought that Ross and Rachel would get back together and live happily ever after. Its not like they have a child together or something..oh no wait!! they do dont they??!!.I lost my real interest in friends when i discovered that they had a lot of borrowed material from my all time favorite comedy show Seinfeld. in comparison FRIENDS doesnt even come close to Seinfeld in terms of originality or acting. Well its no big secret that the appeal behind FRIENDS was the attractive cast. its Human nature to be attracted to things that are symmetrical and beautiful. Girls from this superficial day and age (including me) really look forward to seeing the latest hairstyle on Rachel(Jennifer Aniston) and the funky jewellery modelled by Phoebe(Lisa Kudrow). FRIENDS comes in a very pretty package i guess thats why most people can't get enough of it. I saw this group in FACEBOOK where grown men come and laugh about old jokes quoted from friends. Gimme a break guys i am fasting, do you have to be this lame? do you? Some jokes like the stuff from friends can only be funny ones. Plus there is a lot of background that usually leads to the joke. So when it does not apply to your situtation it is just painful for people like me, i am being really serious here.
I mean Cmon i was totally in love with Sex and City and hated to see it come to an end. But i am over it now and sure hope as hell it doesnt come back again. Why? you ask. Well because most of em are over forty and not very sexy anymore even after extensive surgery and designer wear. but i have overheard people at coffees talking about friends imitating them and oh my gawwwwwwwwwd.... i think i am losing it. This always happens to me when my fellow Maldivians like something too much..Once upon a time Lady in Red was a beautiful ballad but now its just like over chewed gum you just wanna spit it out....Umbrella is going to sink faster than the Titanic in my charts too if i dont stop hearing it all the time. Its really hard for this society right here to accept something new. Once in a blue moon we get an update and we hold onto it and bleed it try. till the vultures won't even come close to the remains...I am just sick and tired of this whole friends craze and the rest of the stuff thats reached the cult status here, ye know like Maroon five(blech), Savage garden(oomph), Asha bhosle(eeeek), and oh my lord the infernal ALI ZEE(choke,gasp. drop dead!!!)................................................................
I watched the Scrubs season 1 to 6 last week, just waiting for season 7.. So there's nothing weird about watching it over million times.. Good to see you doing well.. Cheers! Season Greetings
You can't compare scrubs and friends...your really can't..Scrubs is hella funny and friends is like a cooky kinda funny...there is totally no problemo with wathicng scrubs say a million times over....hey you should check out Weeds..its cool...
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