I beleive that god put me on this earth to heard, to be admired by young and old, to cover songs which need improvement!! Who am i you ask? I am Muneefa.........
Just like our friend Shanee Muneefa is one who beleives that she can sing...in public. We dont mind you singing in your shower, in your living room, to your family and loved ones. But please not for me not for the general public. I dont think we can evolve enough to be able to tolerate your voice or your style. Yes i have to reach a certain peak of irritation before i just cannot without blogging about a character. I dont go around dissing people for no reason, this is for the better good of everyone in this community right here.
I was Kind of like upto my kneck till last Friday, thats when the last straw was pulled. I guess you are all familiar with Mihandhaanugaa. Its a show where well known "singers" from Male' get up and do covers. Some twist and turn the songs so much they are hardly recognizable. Muneefa gave us the pleasure of singing a little something last year.... what was it?.... errm yeah Errrayy haada Rui mey(exactly the way i've written it). She did a really sexy version of a song which was written by someone following the tragic drowning of some of his family members. Yes Betty crocker says the best substitute for Sorrow is Sexiness. Just when i thought she couldn't top herself she went and proved me wrong...and she did one hell of a job. Do you all know the song: "Ley kokaalaa Malun Foni boneetho"that was the lamb she brought to slaughter..How it braighed, screamed and neighed. Looking like an absolute slut from Bangkok she started the song in a really deep voice. and the half way through did a little falsetto which was uncalled for. Yup this is entertainment!! raw crazy entertainment. She did a little speach before starting the song about how she always wanted to present something different to the Audience. Well my dear There's good different and theres horrible, unlistenable, painful different. You decide which different she was aiming for.
Well the best part is you can use it as an I-tune i think the ID is 2353
well now i gotta see the song she gifted to the audience as a change. i promised my self never to listen to her songs the lst tym..but now...i gotta do it...
heheheh yeah its a must hear+ see song....
pls pls pls update ur BLOG!! so i kno wats goin on !!
xx shaal
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