It is a Historical day over here in the Maldives, perhaps even around the world. For the first time ever in the history of Football, parliament members are going to play a football

match....for charity. Could we be anymore fun loving?? i don't think so. In the past parliamentarians may have sponsored there fair share of football clubs but physically playing in is definitely a first. I foresee bleeding noses, broken ribs, sprained ankles and maybe a heart attack or too. It is definitely going to be fun to watch the doubt about it.
I wonder who the man of the match is gonna be..i think it'll be either Mahloof or Maria they both look fit enuff to win the spot.
In other news Jangiyaa Nazim may have given himself an "atomic Wedgy" one he can't get out of that easily. I know you know what I'm talking about...
gotta go fellas TATA
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