I just couldn't do it. I thought about bringing Shany on one of my shows as a guest. However after thinking it through i decided it would be against ny better principles. Her new song with the Srilankan producer was just so bland. Like a cup of tea without sugar. The rapping was good and the music was produced well but its time she realized that no amount of synthesizing or pitch bending can make a singer out of Shany. I wonder how much she had to pay them to get her on the song. I'd be more than willing to pay double the money to get the song off the air(I am broke right now so don't take me so seriosuly Iraj). It is probably the biggest mistake Iraj has ever made and he will regret it for the rest of his life.
Its sad that Shany is not the only misguided missile in our small nation. There are talentless, photographers, models, actors, cooks, lawyers.....you just name it..Take a ride through Male' and stop to look at the billboards, what do you really think? Can you like go wow!! Oh do you go, what the hell were they thinking? I have to admit that Male' with its history of inbreeding does have a lot of talent to offer but most of the time its wannabees who end up in the fucking lime light. The SAD SOBS either have money or connections which enable them to pursue whatever the hell they want. I call this the Paris Hilton effect.
People with no cash can't harvest there talents or intelligence. I see so many half wits wasting there time and money abroad trying to get a degree while intelligent young individuals are stuck here beggin people to sponsor their dreams plus long working hours, keep their talents locked away so that undeserving ho's can pollute the society. Even though it may seem unfair this is how the system works, like it or not. Is there anyway that we can change this? nope....
Pray for a Miracle thats all
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