The New Year is here with a Bang. I really don't know what to make of it. I got a terrible cold as a new year present but in all honesty things are going well for me. I can't say the same for Britney though...My mum messaged me just now from India saying that an Indian News paper had reported that Britney was moving to India after embracing Islam. It is as easy to beleive as a boy scout saving Maumoon from an assasination(thats right you don't fool me).
I really have to go to the John but i dont wanna...yes i work in mysterious ways, ways that are probably gonna have me looking for a spare kidney when i am 40(nooooo)..Damn this sore throat...having it has actually made me realize something though,"Life hangs by a Thread". Well you see i am an announcer, I sell my voice for a living..dont' worry i'll get to the point. Yes!! i realized that if i lose my precious voice my whole livelihood will be shattered. Shrieeeeeeeeeeeek!!! it is so scarey i need to take some serious precautions.. it isn't just me though which is a bit comforting.
Well i really can't hold back my waste products anymore plus i have to be somewhere soon...
By the way i have adopted 50 cents's motto as my own this year "Get Rich or Die trying" hopefully within a few years i can change it to "Get Rich and Die Rich"
The picture that you see has nothing to do with what i'v written, thats fine my bestest neice...
at first i thought it was a picture of you & wondered how young bloggers could get but as soon as i began reading it i realised a kid of that age wouldn't be capable of writing like that!
anywayz get rich & die rich is a great alternative to get rich or die trying. who doesn't want die rich...
Yep Shaari!! i fer sure dont wanna be buried in a cheap vakary coffin. At least a diamond or should be there......Thanks for reading my blog....
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