All of those people whoever harbored any resentment towards my formerly slim figure can relax now and sleep in peace. I have officially gained back most of the kilos i lost with my intensive dieting. Its all good though, i feel so alive once more hehehe. beleive it or not just now one of my office mates looked at the picture on my id card and said i looked too lean back than and more attractive right now...Its hard to find clothes and at times fit in through narrow doorways but its just soo damn fulilling(literally) to eat without feeling guilty.
I am in no hurry to start dieting again becos there's no pressure. My boyfriend thinks my spare tyres are sexy and he doesnt complain about my XL bazoomas. Plus my non existent Ass is showing promise with the more fats i consume. hehehe
The pros out number the cons so i am sticking with the PHat...for now...who knows
Nyyssaaa..... You are one hell of a lady. Where do u live? How do you get these ideas? How can I fix an appointment wz u?
welcome to my world Mare'...this 110% all me.........
Hehe... I can see and smell that, I need to fix an appointment with ya.... hahahhah ,, I just cant stop laughin'. Most creative and realistic joke I have ever seen from a Maldivian. ohhh Sorry except Bahabaru during 80s.
Hi nyssa
Just read a couple of your entries, I really like your style of writing :) nice work
as for the phat, keep it if it makes you happier.
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