I really do not want to be labelled a super hero or super human (in all modesty) but try as i might i can't run away from the hands of fate. I can't fly, I can't teleport or do anything flashy but its my dreams. They just keep coming true. Its kinda scarey when you dream of a tragedy and it comes to life. I can't help but feel responsible for it. What should i do with this power??? The only way i can run away from it is to stay awake 24/7 and that aint happening, no sirrreee!!! i need to preserve my looks....heheheh
Should i call 1-800-profx? Should i start designing my super hero outfit??heheh hmm well i guess that is something i could do....Since my power has to do with sleeping and dreaming maybe i should wear silk jammies or a sexy red negligee(that way people are really gonna take me seriously). I could wear a pillow on my back so that when the time comes I can doze off and get my mind working, anytime, anywhere!!!
I'll just leave all the dirty work to Super man, Batman and all the other freaks. Hmm this power is turning out to be really Cool..
Should i wear crimson, black or white?.....better get to the drawing board..cheerio