Well an Americna Idol is born again and its not the small fag but the bigger talented more appealing rocker, David Cook!! So what does this really prove? It goes to prove that there aren't enough homo's in America. I bet all of them cast their votes for the cherry lipped boy wonder. If that was not enough they imported George Michael and his wife(maybe husband, don't ask me) just to add a few more votes for Archileta. Yet the majority seems to be heteros...well good. Oh and by the way I am not against gay people not at all..love em cos they are so fab. So do not jail me up for commiting a hate crime.
Meanwhile the Maldivian Police is closing down all the Brothels in Male'. Out of the blue the boys in blue are concentrating all of their energy on ridding Male' of all sluts. A little tip guys: Check Sea House, Candies, Dinemore Garden, Skippy and Marble you'll find em in every corner.
The End of another week YAAAAAAAay can't wait to get back home and get a little quality shut eye...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ all the way
I love you Idhy!!
Signed with Love